You might wonder why ac is even used. Isn’t it a lot more complicated than dc?
Well, ac is easy to generate from turbines, as you’ve just seen. Rotating coil-and magnet devices always produce ac, and in order to get dc from this, rectification and filtering are necessary. These processes can be difficult to achieve with high voltages.
Well, ac is easy to generate from turbines, as you’ve just seen. Rotating coil-and magnet devices always produce ac, and in order to get dc from this, rectification and filtering are necessary. These processes can be difficult to achieve with high voltages.
Alternating current lends itself well to being transformed to lower or higher voltages,according to the needs of electrical apparatus. It is not so easy to change dc voltages. Electrochemical cells produce dc directly, but they are impractical for the needs of large populations. To serve millions of consumers, the immense power of falling or flowing water, the ocean tides, wind, burning fossil fuels, safe nuclear fusion, or of geothermal heat are needed. (Nuclear fission will work, but it is under scrutiny nowadays because it produces dangerous radioactive by-products.) All of these energy sources can be used to drive turbines that turn ac generators.
Direct currents, at extremely high voltages, are transported more efficiently than alternating currents. The wire has less effective resistance with dc than with ac, and there is less energy lost in the magnetic fields around the wires.
Direct-current high-tension transmission lines are being considered for future use. Right now, the main problem is expense. Sophisticated power-conversion equipment is needed. If the cost can be brought within reason, Edison’s original sentiments will be at least partly vindicated. His was a long view.
pointed out the inefficiency of Edison’s direct current electrical
powerhouses that have been
build up and down the Atlantic seaboard. The secret, he felt, lay in the
use of alternating current,
because to him all energies
were cyclic. Why not build generators that would send
electrical energy along distribution lines
first one way, than another, in multiple waves using the
polyphase principle?
Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating
current changes direction 50 or 60 times per second and can be stepped
up to vary high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great
distances. The future belongs to alternating current.
Nikola Tesla developed polyphase alternating current system of
generators, motors and transformers and held 40 basic U.S. patents on
the system, which George Westinghouse bought, determined to supply
America with the Tesla system. Edison did not want to lose his DC
empire, and a bitter war ensued. This was the war of the currents
between AC and DC. Tesla -Westinghouse ultimately emerged the victor
because AC was a superior technology. It was a war won for the progress
of both America and the world.
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